This is non-canonical fan created material.
Archive-1 world

When first discovered three years ago this was viewed as simply a reality where the Library of Alexandria wasn't damaged or destroyed. It was later discovered that the Library and its contents would reconstitute when damaged. If that was not enough, the Library expands to accommodate its growing collection (it currently is nearly five times the size of Homeline's own Library of Congress in terms of books)

In essence, the Library is a self-curating, indestructible archive.

It was stated by the locals that any book brought to or taken from the Library would duplicate itself and these copies could not be destroyed any more then books in the Library could. It was also claimed that these books would produce copies of any books or official public documents in the city that they were taken to, adding to the Library's collection.

Infinity found out much to their chagrin that this worked across realities resulting in the entire collections of the British Library, Library of Congress and several other Homeline libraries being added to the collection. It immediately slapped a Z2 classification on the reality.

Infinity is divided on what to do with Archive-1. One group points out that—thanks to the information copied—Archive-1 knows about the Secret and everything that the public has been told by the Homeline government. Those who want to maintain Z2 classification point out that The Library is only able to copy a limited selection of written material, so there are major gaps in Archive-1's information. The Library of Archive-1 has a blueprint to advancing their own timeline's technology, but it will still take time for them to get anywhere near the tech level where they will be be something Infinity has to deal with.
