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The weird other history mentioned in the Madness Dossier, where humans are enslaved by demonic overlords, the Anunnakku, and home to associated beings, like the šedu. This timeline is studied closely by the Duncorne Foundation.

Subduction Zones[]

When realities overlap, you get subduction zones where they grind together, like the Earth's crust around fault lines. These subduction zones between History A and History B seem to be most common around Anunnakku settlements in History B, such as Iraq, Israel, Greece, and the Nile, as well as the Indus valley of northwest India and the Hwang Ho valley of eastern China.

Subduction zones tend to feel off in some way. The wind is unseasonal, blowing dust on a rainy day, the sky is overcast, and the air feels thick. High-tech gear tends to be less reliable in a subduction zone, causing thematically appropriate glitches and technical problems in TL7+ equipment.[1]

Major Groups of History B[]


The Effects of Intrusions[]

The appearance of History B creatures and artifacts can often be dangerous, horrifying, or even awe-inspiring. These intrusions are often the origin story behind psis, such as the Sandman Taishers, and those inspired by the other world have sometimes become first-hand prophets, leading cults dedicated to this mysterious "other world".

