
Cost: ±2 points per ±1 HP

Hit Points or HP is a Secondary Attribute that is derived from ST.

Special HP Conditions[]

From Basic Set: Campaigns, p.419.

HP Description
Full to 1/3 HP You're (probably) fine!
< 1/3 HP Halve Move and Dodge (round up).
0 HP or less Make a HT roll at the start of your next turn, at -1 per full multiple of HP below zero to avoid becoming unconscious.
-1xHP In addition to the above effects, make an immediate HT roll or die. Other HT rolls are enforced at each multiple of HP.
-5xHP Immediate death!
-10xHP Total bodily destruction (dependent on damage type)!

Supers Note[]

Strength and Weight on S25:

Acquiring ST with a source modifier normally doesn’t add to body weight.
In a physically realistic treatment of superpowers,

don’t take the extra HP from such added ST into account in figuring slam damage (p. B371) or damage suffered from falls or collisions (pp. B430-431), and disregard it in figuring knockback

2013 slang at refers to this as "Massless ST" which would result in "Massless HP"

also some weird Kromm post



One way to look at things:

Unliving objects have twice the HP of living ones. Homogenous ones have twice the HP of Unliving ones. Injury Tolerance (Unliving) is 20 points; Injury Tolerance (Homogenous) is 40 points. So roughly speaking, each doubling of HP corresponds to a 20-point trait. Now of course those traits don't actually affect HP, but we could posit that removing them from an object that has them would temporarily make it flimsier, so we could imagine that's Affliction with Negated Advantage, +20%, but we could call it Hit Point Reduction, +20% instead.

Normally, that would work just once, so if repeated uses stack, that's Cumulative, +400%. And duration is normally minutes, so if it's "permanent until healed," that's Extended Duration, Permanent, +150%.

There would still be resistance rolls aided by DR; to remove the effects of DR, add Cosmic, +300%.

So for 97 points, you could have an attack that cuts HP in half, round up, if the target misses a HT roll. I'd say it affects current positive HP; at 1 HP or below, it wouldn't do anything. Thus if a fighter with HP 16 were currently at 13 HP, the first zap would make it 7 HP, the second zap would leave 4 HP, the third would leave 2 HP, and fourth would leave 1 HP, after which nothing would happen.

