
Cost: [-30] or (-40%)

No Fine Manipulators {NFM) means that the body lacks hands, like taking One Hand twice. It is a disadvantage that might be applied as a limitation via Temporary Disadvantages, and even outside of that is allowed as a limitation of the same name as the disadvantage on ST and DX.

As a Disadvantage[]


  • Quadriplegic at -80 is like the value of No Manipulators combined with Lame version of Paraplegic. Instead of no manipulators though, it just means unusable ones. Given that Paraplegic has the same value as Legless it seems to be worth the same value.

As a Limitation[]

No Fine Manipulators can be applied on Strength or Dexterity as a limitation for -40%.

  • So [10] (ST) becomes [6] and [20] becomes [12] (DX)
    • this may just be for buying it above 10 though, it's not clear if you can buy down DX and ST to 0 then buy it back up with this discount.
  • B66 says it can't apply to Lifting ST though Size Modifier can
  • B89 says "If you bought your ST with the No Fine Manipulators or Size limitation, apply the same limitation(s) to Striking ST."

Technical Grappling[]

introduced No Grasping Hand for a localized version, which would work similarly to One Hand

may also stack with Ham-Fisted or Poor Grip

there is also Prehensile Feet which does the reverse (gives grasping ability to legs) and differs from Foot Manipulators

Threads[] explores interaction


  • B145